Performs hierarchical clustering on functional data using a specified clustering method.
The distance between functional observations is calculated using distance measures
from the fda.usc
- fdataobj
An object of class
representing the functional data to be clustered. Each row corresponds to a functional observation.- method
A character string specifying the agglomeration method to be used. Possible values are
, or"centroid"
. Defaults to"ward.D2"
An object of class hclust
, which describes the tree produced by the hierarchical clustering process.
The object has the following components:
- merge
A numeric matrix describing the merge history.
- height
The height at which the mergers occurred.
- order
A vector giving the order of objects.
- labels
The labels of the objects being clustered.
- call
The call which produced the result.
- method
The agglomeration method used.
The fhclust
function applies hierarchical clustering to functional data,
using distances calculated via the fda.usc::metric.lp
The method for hierarchical clustering can be any of the agglomeration methods available
in hclust
This function is useful for clustering functional data such as time series, curves,
and other functional representations. The function returns an object of class
, which can be plotted and interpreted as a dendrogram.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
t <- seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = 101)
res <- rprocKclust(t, n = c(30, 50, 40), process = c("cos_sin", "sin", "cos"),
c = c(-1, 1, 1), k = c(NA, NA, NA), s = c(0.2, 0.3, 0.1))
# Perform hierarchical clustering using the default method (ward.D2)
result <- fhclust(res$X, method = "ward.D2")
# Plot the dendrogram
plot(result, main = "Dendrogram of Functional Data (Ward's Method)")
# Cut the dendrogram into clusters
groups <- cutree(result, k = 3)
} # }